Demand for Approval
We believe that others must always treat us well.
We must have love or approval most of the time to be worthy. |
High Self Expectations
We believe that we must achieve success in everything we do to be worthwhile; if we make
mistakes we are a failure as a person. |
· Dependency
We believe we need to depend on someone or something stronger than ourselves because we cannot cope with life by ourselves. |
· Helplessness
We believe our present problems, feelings and behaviours are caused by our past, this is how we are and we are helpless
to change it. |
· Emotional
We believe our feelings are caused by external pressures such as other people so we cannot control or change our emotions. |
· Blame Proneness
We believe ourselves and others, must not do anything wrong, that certain behaviours are awful or wicked and deserve
punishment. |
· Personal Idealism
We believe that the world and other people must be fair and just at all times.
· Frustration Reactivity
We find it difficult and frustrating when things or people are not the way we would like them to be. |
· Problem Avoidance
We believe that it is easier to avoid rather than face life’s difficulties and responsibilities. |
· Discomfort Anxiety
We want to be comfortable, without pain, and free from anxiety at all times; we believe we would find it difficult
to cope otherwise. |
· Perfectionism
We want to be in control of all situations and believe things must go well; people and things should turn out
better than they do. |
· Anxious Over Concern
We feel anxious when faced with uncertain or risky situations. We constantly
worry and are on our guard in case they might happen. |
· Over Caring
We feel we should become upset over our own and other people’s problems, those who
don’t are uncaring, and uncompassionate people. |
· Fear of Losing
When stressed or anxious we worry we are not in control, “going mad”, having a “nervous breakdown”
and/or be admitted to hospital. |