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Stress Management for Health Course

References/Bibliography - Relaxation


1.      Benson H. (2000) The Relaxation Response, Bantam.

2.      Benson H., Congressional Testimony, Sept 22nd 1998.

3.      Bourne E. (1995) The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, New Harbinger

4.     Davis E. (2000) The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, New Harbinger inc.

5.     Domar A., Dreher H. (1996) Healing Mind, Healthy Woman, Henry Holt.

6.      Ernst E. (ed) (2001) The Desktop Guide to Complementary Medicine: An Evidence Based Approach, Mosby.

7.      Everly G.S. Jr. (1989) A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response, Plenum Press.

8.     Fenn C. (2002) Caffeine: Grounds for Concern, Stress News, January 2002, vol 14, No 1. pp25-27.

9.      Goleman D., Gurin J. (1993) Mind Body Medicine: How to Use Your Mind for Better Health, Consumer Report Books.

10.  Grills P. (1999) An Overview for Psychiatric Professionals of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) in the Treatment of Depression.

11.  Hambly K., Muir A. (1997) Stress Management in Primary Care, Butterworth Heineman.

12.  Handling Stress (1992) Open University, Milton Keynes.

13. Heron C. (1996) The Relaxation Therapy Manual, Winslow Press.

14.  Holden R. (1993) Laughter is The Best Medicine, Harper Collins,

15. Jamil T. (1997) Complementary Medicine: a Practitioners Guide, Butterworth Heinneman. 

16.  Keable D. (1997) The Management of Anxiety: a Guide for Therapists, Churchill Livingstone.

17.  Madders J. (1993) Stress and Relaxation, Optima.

18. Ornstein R., Sobel D. (1987) The Healing Brain: Breakthrough Discoveries About How the Brain Keeps us Healthy, Simon and Schuster.

19.  Palmer S. (1993) Multimodal Techniques: Relaxation and Hypnosis Centre for Stress Management.

20. Paterson R. (1999) Changeways Relaxation Programme, Revised Edition

21. Payne R.A. (!995) Relaxation Techniques: A Practical Handbook for the Health Care Professional, Churchill Livingstone.

22.  Pelletier K.R. (2000) The Best Alternative Medicine, Simon and Schuster.

23. Rice P.L. (1999) Stress and Health, 3rd Edition, Brookes/Cole.

24.  Sobel D.S. Ornstein R. (1996) The Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Handbook. DRx Publishers, California.

25. Stoudemire A. (1995) Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions, American Psychiatric Press inc.

26. Stress Management Training: The Stress Consultancy, Sheffield, Yorkshire.

27. Sutcliffe J. (1991) The Complete Book of Relaxation Techniques, Headline Ltd.

28.  Totman R. (1990) Mind Stress and Health, Condor Books.

29.  Townsend J. (2000) Get Tough with Stress,

30. Trickett S. (2001) Anxiety and Depression: A Natural Approach, Ulyses Press.

31.  Tyler M. (1999) Train the Trainers: Stress Management Training Handbook, Living with Stress Ltd.

32. Watkins A. (1997) Mind Body Medicine: A Clinicians Guide to Psychoneuroimmunology, Churchill Livingstone.

33. Whitehead C., Adams L. (1995) Relaxation Techniques, Daniels Publishing.


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