It is best to be cautious when dealing with stress, so do not diagnose
yourself as suffering from stress but see your physician to get an accurate diagnosis because there are some medical conditions
whose symptoms are similar to those of stress and if this is so the medical conditions need treating.
is a very safe Stress Management technique, but there are a few cautions which must be borne in mind in order to gain maximum
· Do not drive or operate machinery
straight after practicing relaxation.
· Do not practice relaxation whilst driving or doing any other activity
that requires your concentration.
· Do not practice relaxation on a full stomach.
· Do not cross your arms and legs.
· If you have any form of chronic medical or psychological health problem check with your doctor
that relaxation is suitable for your particular condition.
· Do not practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (tense/release) if you have High blood pressure
or other cardiovascular problems.
· Never practice relaxation to treat undiagnosed symptoms; always see your Doctor for an accurate
· If you find you have any uncomfortable symptoms while practicing relaxation discuss these
with your Doctor.
· A few people may experience new sensations such as a feeling of floating, if this worries
you just stop the relaxation and bring your consciousness back and the symptom will resolve.
· In some individuals relaxation techniques may enhance the action of certain drugs. Let your
doctor know you are regularly practising relaxation techniques, in case he/she wants to monitor your dosage of anti-anxiety,
anti-hypertensive or other medications you may be taking.
· Do not stand up straightaway after practicing relaxation, remain
seated or lying down for a few minutes with your eyes open then get up.
· It is advisable that people who are suffering schizophrenia
do not practice relaxation techniques unless advised that they can by their qualified medical practitioner.
For the vast majority of people who practice relaxation on a regular basis it provides many benefits, however there
are a minority of people who practice relaxation for whom it can have a paradoxical effect and heighten anxiety instead of
reducing anxiety. The best way to overcome this is to initially practice relaxation
for five minutes at a time and over time build up the length of time in relaxation.
Another possible reason for relaxation-induced anxiety is that people may be breathing too quickly or too deeply. If you have any problems with relaxation then consult your stress management advisor
or your doctor.
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