4 Steps
to Thought Stopping
Step (1): Notice Negative Thinking
Notice when you are
thinking negative, stress inducing thoughts.
Step (2): Stop The Negative
Stop the thought or image by seeing
a big, red stop sign in your mind's eye and shouting stop, silently. Consciously check you are breathing slowly
with your diaphragm. Breathe slowly in through your nose and as you exhale through your mouth imagine the
word - "relax." You can use an elastic band on your wrist and snap
it against your skin, as you say STOP. Ensure the band is not too tight. Dr David Posen recommends you snap the band on the back of your wrist. The hairy side, not the sensitive under side and do not pull the band too hard. A small gentle snap is all that is needed.
Step (3): Replace the Negative
Replace the stressful
thought/image, by imagining a positive, relaxing thought, such as a tropical beach, in as much detail as you can.
Step (4): Return to Task
Click here to be taken to Stress Inducing Thinking Errors (Cognitive Distortions)